"The Future of Insulation.......Today." TM
New Homes
Why do homeowners choose EnergySEAL Spray Systems Insulation when given a choice?
Because We use Nu-Wool WALLSEAL and Nu-Wool is one of the most acoustically superior materials available in residential construction, so homeowners can enjoy life in a quieter home. Indoor air temperatures become more stable and HVAC systems work less. Homeowners also feel a satisfaction with their choice to live in a cellulose insulated home because they are helping the environment. More paper ends up in landfills than other types of material, and because Nu-Wool WALLSEAL is made from recycled newspaper, homeowners choosing WALLSEAL are actually preserving land and trees for future generations.
Questions To Ask Your Builder
What insulation choices do I have?
If a builder uses conventional insulation without considering the benefits of higher performing insulations, home buyers should ask why. Many builders use a lower cost insulation even though a superior insulation such as Nu-Wool would save home buyers energy dollars during the ownership of their home.
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How much insulation will be used?
More insulation not only keeps the heat or cold
out, it also leads to more even temperatures between and across rooms.
For insulation to work properly, it must be installed carefully with no
gaps, crimping or compression. This is especially important in areas
where the insulation has to fit around obstacles such as pipes and
electrical wiring and outlets. Nu-Wool WALLSEAL fills in gaps, creating
a seamless seal. Nu-Wool supports the recommendation of the Department
of Energy with a minimum of R-13 in the walls and R-49 in the attic.
What about bedrooms above the garage?
Bedrooms over the garage are often unnecessarily
colder in the winter and warmer in the summer than the rest of the
house. Properly insulating under the floor and around the duct work with
Nu-Wool Premium Cellulose Insulation can help prevent uncomfortable
differences in these "bonus" rooms.
Can ice dams on the roof be prevented?
The preferred method of preventing ice dams in
non-cathedral roofs is to properly ventilate and insulate. Energy
efficient roofs minimize problems with ice dams because they keep the
entire roof cold. There is little difference in temperature between the
part of the roof inside the perimeter of the outside walls and the part
covering the eves or overhangs. Thus, melting and refreezing is
minimized. Insulating to prevent heat leaks and sealing against air
leaks between the inside of the building and the attic are the best ways
to achieve a cold roof. Its primary purpose, though, is to prevent
moisture from condensing in the attic on the underside of the roof
decking and dripping down into the insulation. Any warm air that leaks
from the inside of the building into the attic carries moisture with it.
Sealing the air leaks is usually more effective than increasing the
ventilation. Find out more...
What measures will be taken to prevent
noisy pipes?
Water pipes in walls, floors and ceilings can be
noisy at times. Nu-Wool Premium Cellulose Insulation installed around
water pipes not only reduces noise generated by the pipes, but also
reduces condensation on cold water pipes as well as heat loss from hot
water pipes. Care should be taken when insulating exterior walls and
attics with water pipes to insure that no insulation is placed between
the water pipes and the drywall or other interior surface of the wall or
ceiling. If this precaution is not followed, the pipes will be isolated
from the heat in the living area and could freeze and burst.
What can be done to make the house more
soundproof from room to room?
Noise problems are a common complaint from home
owners, apartment dwellers and condominium owners. A vast majority of
builders do not realize that common building practices do little to stop
the transmission of noise within a structure. Anyone who has traveled
and stayed in a fine resort or hotel knows that soundproofing a room is
possible. The trouble is, to do it somewhat economically, it needs to be
done as the structure is being built. Because of its density, Nu-Wool
Premium Cellulose Insulation is a superior soundproofing insulation.
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Will the insulation affect the sizing of
the furnace and air conditioning units?
By using efficient insulation, heating and cooling
equipment can be properly sized. "Right-sizing" HVAC equipment will
likely save money during construction as well as every month on utility
How will the insulation
help prevent mold growth?
To stop mold growth, your builder must be well educated and be able to
demonstrate a knowledge of how to use modern building materials in such
a way that water does not condense within wall cavities and attic
spaces. Homes must be built to standards that exceed what the building
codes require. The building codes are a wonderful set of guidelines but
many code officials will agree that is a set of minimum standards. If he
does not agree with this point, it is time to re-open the bidding
process on your new home. Find out more ...
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